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Sunday 26 June 2016

5 Ways Being Single Is WAY Better Than Being In A Bad Relationship

                                            Image result for being single
So if you’re feeling the pressure to settle, here are some things to remember before you make a bad choice:
1. You are ENOUGH.

The mainstream media is filled with really unhealthy messages regarding relationships. For example, many say that you need another person to make the holidays complete or to make you happy. These romantic notions work great in books and on the Hallmark Channel, but when taken literally, these ideas are super destructive.

You are always a whole and indivisible being, capable of immense self-love, self acceptance and self sexuality. Appreciate yourself and know that you’re not alone in your singleness.
2. You made a choice to be single because you WANT to be single.
Although it sounds ass-backward, this is a paradigm shift that will help you in the long run. By consciously making the choice to be single, if will shift the way you view your life and how you live it when it comes to sharing that information with your co-workers, family and friends. YOU are making this decision, so be proud.
3. You are in control of your life.
Instead of remaining the victim of your own fear of being single, take control! Tell yourself that you are actively remaining single for a the holidays. If you do plan to date every once in a while, make sure the dates are fun and give you ample time to get know someone. There’s no rush and no pressure – JUST fun.
4. Do WHATEVER you want.
In the end your relationship status is a personal choice – there is no right or wrong, no good or bad. Instead of being the victim of cultural assumptions and societal norms, take the time to find out how you really would like to engage with other people.
What kind of status would you choose if there was no pressure, no assumptions? Take your time and find what’s best for you. If you think something is a good idea, then there have already been many others who think the same, and have most likely blazed a trail for you to follow.
The way you engage in relationships (or don’t) is not what’s important – what IS important is doing it consciously, and doing what’s right for YOU!
5. It’s ALWAYS better to be single than in a bad relationship.
Getting into an unhealthy, bad relationship simply out of a fear of being alone is a really bad idea. It takes a lot of courage to take that leap into being single, but it’s always, 100% of the time worth it when the relationship is causing more harm than good.

Saturday 25 June 2016

Signs you're crushing on your best friend

As they say,the best relationships come from friendships

  1. Suddenly your bestie looks really attractive to you
  2. You start to think about them a lot,you start to wonder what they are doing,where they are.
  3. You just want to be around them all the time.
  4. You get possessive when someone starts to flirt with them.
  5. You get very angry when they met someone,and when they break up,you act sorry on the outside but your super happy on the inside.
  6. You get butterflies anytime they touch you or anytime they pay you a compliment.
  7. You get excited when anyone says you two make a cute couple and then get totally deflated when they make it clear you're not a couple.
  8. You constantly think about if they like you too and you find out they do,you totally freak out.

If You Wont Learn To Do These 10 Things, Don’t Get Married

Marriage isn’t for kids, so if you wont learn to do these ten things, i am afraid you are not yet ready for marriage. Read them below digest and work around it.
1. Completing yourself
Sometimes when we are single, we forget to be comfortable with ourselves. You cannot fully give your entire capacity of love to another person without being comfortable on your own. You do not need another’s validation to realize your self-worth. This single moment, however long it may last, is the perfect time to discover what you truly love. Discover hobbies, travel to new sights and find joy in exploring who you are. Accepting and loving yourself is the first step in being able to let another person love you as well.
2. Money
Being single can often cause us to forget how to handle our money, especially if no one depends on us for our contribution. Money is a very important element of marriage. Create a budget for yourself and do not buy things you know you cannot afford. Save enough money for a rainy day, your future spouse will be appreciative of your willingness to be smart with funds.
3. Trust
Trust is the foundation of marriage. Without trust, relationships become rocky and unstable. Learn to commit to one person and one person only. Trust gives you comfort in knowing you do not have to worry about what your spouse is doing when you are not together. If you have a hard time trusting others, slowly build your trust up through social support from your friends and family. Be honest with yourself and learn to let go of your fear.
4. Homemaking
The ability to keep a home falls on the shoulders of both men and women- both husband and wife. Learn to take care of the space you live in. Knowing how to cook (even if it’s only one meal) and clean are basic tools in building a house into a home and keeping it that way. You do not know what the future will hold, so be prepared to take on the role of making dinner or cleaning the bathroom if that is what will be asked of you. All responsibilities at home should not fall on one person’s shoulders.
5. Selflessness
Marriage is all about loving another person and letting them love you. There will be some moments when you will have to sacrifice your own wants and needs for the sake of your significant other. Marriage has no room for selfishness.
6. Communication
Saying one thing and meaning another is confusing for even the most intelligent minds. Do not be afraid to be honest with yourself and with others. Say what you mean and mean what you say. Acknowledge all of the things that are working and the things that are not with your words. Ask all the right questions and do not let anything slide between the cracks. Communication is the key to a successful marriage.
7. Compromising
Marriage is all about give and take. When you are single, you don’t always have to worry about how your decisions will affect another person. Being able to compromise is vital to any healthy relationship. Sometimes you may have to sacrifice your game night with the guys and instead help your wife with a stressful presentation she has at work the next morning. Being able to compromise for another’s benefit goes hand in hand with selflessness.
8. Compassion
When times get tough, learn to show compassion for others. There is nothing as comforting to another person than being able to connect with them on an emotional level. Learn to show and feel empathy. Compassion allows you to understand others and see the world through their eyes during both the light and dark times.
9. Goal Setting
Setting and meeting goals and always striving to improve are vital to you and to your future spouse as well. Make goals and work your hardest to meet them. There is always room for improvement in every area of your life, even if it is something as small as learning a new recipe or saving money for a new car.
10. Respect
There is nothing more vital to this world than the art of respect. Respect yourself, and you will learn to respect others. Treat other people the way you want to be treated. Strangers or not, respect everyone for who they are, for what they do, and for what they stand for. In your current or future relationship, as long as you respect one another for your respected roles and treat each other well, there is nothing more to ask for.
Nobody is perfect. As humans, we all come with our own personal flaws and quirks. If you have not perfected all of the above, do not panic: nobody has. No one has a perfect home, and no one goes through life without an argument. But, if you continue to work on developing your capacity for respect, compassion and trust, that is all that matters. Whether you are in a committed relationship or you are single, if you are striving to become your best self, you will be ready for marriage when the opportunity comes your way.

Sunday 19 June 2016


Image result for okra soup
  The perfect dress, the perfect hairdo, face on fleck and bringing your A-game and then out of the blues some spinach stuck in between your teeth ruins what should have been a perfect evening.
Food is important and here are 6 things you should totally avoid on a first date:
1) Spaghetti
Most people can’t eat spaghetti without a slurp and that slurp splatters sauce all over your mouth and chest not to mention ruining your makeup. Forget that romantic scene from Disney’s ‘the Lady and the tramp’, spaghetti is not romantic food.
2) Draw soup
A favorite among Nigerians and guaranteed to leave a mark. Okra, ogbona or mixed, anything that leaves a trail from your plate to your mouth should be avoided at all costs.
3) Shawrma
Show me a person that can finish a whole Shawama without making a mess and I’ll show you the real MVP! Most people can’t manage this small feat which is why Shawama is a no-no.
4) Suya
Suya is delicious and not at all messy so you must be wondering why it’s on the list, well it isn't the Suya ,it’s the onions that go with the suya. Most people can’t eat Suya without munching on the onions and onions are almost as famous as garlic for giving bad breath. Bad breath does not a great first date make! So say no to suya please!!!
5) Food with lots of garlic
Thankfully a lot of restaurants include the ingredients for each dish in the menu. Garlic oozes from your pores not to mention giving you bad breath. I don’t have to emphasize staying away, it’s for your own good.
6) Experimental foods
Any food that you have never eaten before is not fair game for a first date please! A number of things could go wrong. I know a girl who ordered calamari on a first date because it looked fancy and ended up in the ER with anaphorically shock. Even if you don’t get allergies, you just may hate it and have to pretend to love it to save face or there may be a certain way that sort of food is eaten. Avoid the embarrassment, stick to the familiar.Your first date isn't the time to show him what an unrepentant foodie you are, if you can’t eat it without making a mess then pretend it isn't on the menu.

Saturday 18 June 2016

Would you forgive, forget and stay?

Instead of accepting apology gifts, encourage your Sig O to talk to you when they've messed up. Also, as anyone who has received an gooey gooey “no reason” gift before knows, romantic gestures are really only romantic when they aren't compensating for anything. Sweet is the person who wants to dote on you just because you're boss, not because they got wasted at a Chili's and hit on the bartender in front of you.

Know what you’re apologizing for.

There are cute little sorry-I-ate-your-Kind-bar apologies. Then there are the more complex, brutal ones, like if you flirted with someone who was not your significant other. More than once. It’s worth considering: Why did you feel the need to turn elsewhere for attention and affection? If you don’t address the root of the issue, you can’t formulate an effective apology and allow both of you to begin healing. The upside is that this is a great excuse for self-reflection and growth. Furthermore, when you own up to the truth, such as your emotional or sexual needs not being fulfilled, you’re much more likely to be heard and find a way forward together.

Don’t apologize obsessively.

If the original apology comes from the heart, once should be enough. And if that doesn't satisfy your partner, the issue might be with him or her. Alternatively, if you’re being apologized to in a meaningful way, let the words sink in, and for your own sake, don’t drag it out. If it feels phoned in? Go for a run, wait until things calm down, then try a little teamwork talk. Start with something like, “You know, I’m still upset. Can we work together to find a better resolution?”

Steve Harvey's daughter Karli welcomes a baby boy

Television show host, Steve Harvey is a grandfather again. His eldest daughter Karli and her husband Ben Raymond welcomed a baby boy today. The proud grandfather announced the news on his Instagram. "We got the news early this morning .... He is here! Little Ben. Our daughter Karli and her husbands new baby.... Our 4th grandchild that's 2 girls 2 boys....And counting" Karlie and Raymond tied the knot in a grand wedding in 2015.

Check out this couple's throwback and pre-wedding photos

Sixtus Iwuoha shared a throwback photo of himself and wife on Instagram. They got married last Saturday. See their pre-wedding photos. They sure have come a long way... see their pre-wedding shoot after the cut..


Although it is said that no lady/guy deserves to be second choice when it comes to relationship,but it seems to be the trending thing this days.Nowadays,when a guy asks a lady out,and knows the lady already in a relationship, the reply you hear is"I have no problem with that, you can still be my girlfriend"or "since he's not in the county we can still date,he won't know".

  But this seems to be more common among ladies,its called been the"side chick". You know he has a girlfriend/wife but you still want to have him,you want him to spend his money on you,take you out for shopping or dates and make love to you.

A lady who did not have a boyfriend, but was having feelings for a guy who was already in a relationship, did all her possible best to make the guy notice she was crushing over him(and you know guys,they always like to play smart),so the guy asked her out and she accepted,knowing fully well he had a girlfriend. She will cook for him,wash his clothes, buy his groceries, do almost everything just to please him and make his real girlfriend look inferior.Not knowing the guy had plans,to cut my long story short,the guy got married to the main chick and left his side chick to nurse the pains of heartbreak.
  This lady(side chick) wasted her time and also made herself look like a fool,but who's fault is that?
Please ladies,it doesn't pay to be the side chick,imagine that happening to you,imagine someone else trying to take your place especially when your happy and so much in love with your lover.Stop hurting others and destroying homes just to make yourself happy,think about the consequences,because"what goes around comes around round".Its either you end up not having a good and happy married life or you don't find a suitable man for you,all because you have done damage to someones love life/marriage.

Friday 17 June 2016



 Your loved one is traveling far off due to business/school/or other reasons. Or you met someone very cool but the person lives far off.
These are some helpful and relevant tips to help you connect with your partner

  Strong communication
Calls,video calls,audio clips,chats and SMS are very important. Make sure your communication level is high. Gist about everything that happens in your day to day activities, ensure not to bore the other with long and dry gist.
Tho,its kinda hard trusting someone far apart but when honesty has been the foundation of that relationship, it helps decrease insecurities and wild imagination.

    Settling conflict
Arguments may come up along the the way and this might cause more distance between the two love birds.its best to resolve such issues maturely and swiftly.
    Plan a visit
Create quality time to see each other,plan an outing/date.Social networks or calls can't do it all,you need to create time for your partner
    Cherish time together
Pictures and videos taken of you and your loved one,helps in a long-term relationship. Its cool to be creative also with those memories,like making a lovely picture frame/drawing/painting of your partner or a video clips.

Long-term relationships are a lot of work,but trust me you can make things work. 

Tuesday 14 June 2016

True Love Story of couple Heartbreak

Image result for heartbreak

A couple married for ten good years with no child and in the eleventh year a baby boy was born into the family, this couple joy grow with  no bound and they are living a lovely couple live that anyone could desired.
When the boy was around 2 years of age, one beautiful morning that turn to a sad day, the husband was about leaving home for work and he saw a medicine bottle open but couldn’t wait to pick up the medicine bottle and cap it because he is already late for work.
He asks his wife to cap the bottle and keep it out of reach of the child because the bottle contain a poisonous medicine meant for adult in a very small dosage.
The mother was preoccupied in the
kitchen and totally forgot the matter, the boy saw the bottle and playfully went to the bottle, and he was fascinated with its colour, he pick up the bottle and drank all the medicine in it. When the child collapsed, the mother hurried him to the hospital, where he died.
The mother was stunned. She was scared how to face her husband.
When the distressed father came to the hospital and saw the dead child, he was so so sad, he looked at his wife and voiced just only four words.
Guest what the four words are?

The husband just said"I love you dearest"
Nobody around the place ever expected such words from the father of the boy to his mother.
The boy is dead. He can never come back to life again.               There is no point in finding fault with the mother, the father said. Besides, if only he has taken time to keep the bottle away, this will not have happened. No point in attaching blame because she had also lost her only child. What she needed at that moment was consolation and sympathy from the husband. That is what he gave her.
Sometimes we spend time asking who is responsible or who to blame and miss out some warmth in human relationship in giving each other support. After all, shouldn't forgiving someone we love be the easiest thing in the world to do?
Treasure what you have. Don’t multiply pain, anguish and suffering by holding on to forgiveness.

Source:I love relationship

Monday 13 June 2016

5 questions to ask your man to ensure a healthy love life

Image result for couples in love

So here are the 5 questions you should ask your man today.
1. What’s one thing I can do more often to show you that I love you?
2. What’s one thing I can say more often to show you that I love you
3. What can I do for you this week to make your life easier?
4. What would you like more of in our marriage/relationship?
5. Do you really know how much I love you? (Tell him!). 
 Always try to meet his needs to your best ability,and you need him to help you.

Sunday 12 June 2016

check out what Amber rose says about cheating

Here Are 10 Signs Your Man Might Be Cheating On You:

1. He Is Using His Phone A Lot More (And Not For You)

If he suddenly starts texting more often, but he still takes forever to reply to you… that may be a sign that he’s cheating. It doesn't mean he is definitely cheating on you. He could just be having an important conversation…

2. He Suddenly Cares About His Hygiene

You've known him long enough to know how he typically cares for himself. If he takes a sudden interest in how he looks, his physical health, and even starts showering more, who is he trying to impress? (Was he trying to impress you or someone else?)

3. He Goes Out More

Whether he’s going out “with friends” or has something come up with family, this could be a red flag that he’s really seeing someone else.

4. He Keeps Working Late

Sudden work emergency? Big project that he didn’t tell you about in advance? If he starts working overtime and is hours on sporadic days of the week working late, he might not actually be working…

5. He Avoids Getting Close To You

If you notice that your guy suddenly avoids intimacy with you (or stops entirely), that’s a huge red flag. Some men who fear intimacy will cheat to feel like they still have power over their sex life, and some men cheat simply because they want someone “young and new”… Which leads to my next sign.

6. He’s Selfish

If your man is self-indulgent and puts himself before everything, never compromising with you, he could be the kind of guy to cheat, as infidelity is a selfish act on it’s own.

7. He Follows A *Lot* Of Sexy Women On Social Media

Have you noticed him “liking” a lot of sexy pictures on his Facebook? What about who he watches on Instagram? If they’re mostly hot young women, you can probably guess what’s on his mind…

8. He Didn’t Update His Dating Profile (Even If You Started Dating Him)

Maybe you met on Plenty of Fish, or eHarmony, ChristianMingle, or even Match. You updated your profile to proudly show you met a guy you love… and he didn't update his profile. That could be a sign he’s still looking for someone else.

9. He Lashes Out At You

If your guy starts arguments with you, especially if it’s over something simple, he could be looking for an excuse to get away from you and towards someone else…

10. He Needs “His Privacy”

You thought he was comfortable with you knowing more about him and being close to him, and suddenly he starts needing more and more time by himself. What could he even be doing with all of that time alone? That might be a sign he’s cheating on you.

Knowing what your lover likes

Girls try and always look good for your partner and presentable,study your man and note what he likes in a lady physically and do the little you can do to please your man...(Am not advising you to bleach your skin or use butt or boobs enlargement pills or creams to please your man, NO!!!)
Do the little you can do like hair styles, manicure/pedicure, personal hygiene or dress sense.

Wednesday 8 June 2016

Why hugging is so important

How often do you and your man do it? Can't remember the last time, or are you at it every single day? We're talking about hugging. A simple act of affection goes a long way in keeping your relationship happy and healthy. And for long-term couples especially, you can often forget how much it means to be hugged.

Why hugging is so important
Affectionate body language like hugging can say far more than words ever can, and in fact most of what we communicate comes from signals that aren't verbal.
For couples, hugging helps bridge the gap between what happens in the bedroom and what happens in your day-to-day life. It keeps that all-important intimacy when you're not making love. Stop hugging and you might lose that special intimacy and forget how good it can make you feel.
'Cuddles and affection are incredibly important to your relationship. They make you feel emotionally connected to each other - and when we're under so much stress in our daily lives that's really important,' says Dr Pam.
'Also when you have physical contact through cuddles your body produces the love and well-being hormone Oxytocin. Oxytocin makes you feel good around your partner and that feel-good effect is carried with you after physical contact.'


 Girlfriends are great. But if you have a problem with your  partner, you need to resolve it between each other amicably. Furthermore,your problems are yours, you don’t need to post anything on your Face book page,BBM status or Whatsapp.
When you have issues and concerns, you share them with your partner, not your Face book friends. You can use friends as a sounding board, of course, but not as crutch to avoid hard conversation with your loved one.

Sunday 5 June 2016


Why Do Men and Women Cheat?

Infidelity or extramarital affairs have been extensively studied over the past two decades.
Basically, when it comes to infidelity, two related explanations have been given.
The first explanation is probably the most well known: Spouses cheat because of problems in their relationship. Something is missing, passion has faded, partners feel lonely, a partner finds someone who treats them better or who appreciates them more than their current spouse, and so on.
Simply stated, people claim that they are not happy in their relationship, so they look for love and affection elsewhere.
The second explanation is more detailed in nature. This explanation ignores the reasons that people give for cheating and looks deeper into our human nature.
The second explanation explores what it means to be human and asks: "Why is being faithful to a spouse so difficult for many people?"
Probably the best way to think about these two explanations is to view them as two sides of the same coin.
One explanation looks at what people say about infidelity, while the other explanation looks at how and why infidelity occurs.
Together, both explanations give us a more complete picture about infidelity, love, and romance.

Lying & cheating are not what makes a relationship work. The most important factors for a relationship to thrive are no Physical, psychological or sexual abuse. If you are experiencing any of these in your relationship. 

Please seek help to get out

The four important words

These Four words, I love you, I am  sorry, please forgive me and thank you are very important in building a strong and healthy relationship, never feel too big to say this to your partner because it goes a long way. Admit when you are wrong,beg for forgiveness to heal that pain that you have caused your partner, appreciate your partner and let your partner know that you truly love them.