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Saturday 25 June 2016

Signs you're crushing on your best friend

As they say,the best relationships come from friendships

  1. Suddenly your bestie looks really attractive to you
  2. You start to think about them a lot,you start to wonder what they are doing,where they are.
  3. You just want to be around them all the time.
  4. You get possessive when someone starts to flirt with them.
  5. You get very angry when they met someone,and when they break up,you act sorry on the outside but your super happy on the inside.
  6. You get butterflies anytime they touch you or anytime they pay you a compliment.
  7. You get excited when anyone says you two make a cute couple and then get totally deflated when they make it clear you're not a couple.
  8. You constantly think about if they like you too and you find out they do,you totally freak out.

1 comment :

  1. nice...i really am enjoying your blog
