Amazon personal shopper

Saturday 18 June 2016


Although it is said that no lady/guy deserves to be second choice when it comes to relationship,but it seems to be the trending thing this days.Nowadays,when a guy asks a lady out,and knows the lady already in a relationship, the reply you hear is"I have no problem with that, you can still be my girlfriend"or "since he's not in the county we can still date,he won't know".

  But this seems to be more common among ladies,its called been the"side chick". You know he has a girlfriend/wife but you still want to have him,you want him to spend his money on you,take you out for shopping or dates and make love to you.

A lady who did not have a boyfriend, but was having feelings for a guy who was already in a relationship, did all her possible best to make the guy notice she was crushing over him(and you know guys,they always like to play smart),so the guy asked her out and she accepted,knowing fully well he had a girlfriend. She will cook for him,wash his clothes, buy his groceries, do almost everything just to please him and make his real girlfriend look inferior.Not knowing the guy had plans,to cut my long story short,the guy got married to the main chick and left his side chick to nurse the pains of heartbreak.
  This lady(side chick) wasted her time and also made herself look like a fool,but who's fault is that?
Please ladies,it doesn't pay to be the side chick,imagine that happening to you,imagine someone else trying to take your place especially when your happy and so much in love with your lover.Stop hurting others and destroying homes just to make yourself happy,think about the consequences,because"what goes around comes around round".Its either you end up not having a good and happy married life or you don't find a suitable man for you,all because you have done damage to someones love life/marriage.

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