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Thursday 24 January 2019

Woman accuses her pastor husband of domestic violence and narrates all the horrific things he's allegedly done to her

A woman has taken to Facebook to accuse her husband - a pastor - of domestic violence.

The woman claimed she's been in an abusive marriage for the past 8 years. She claimed her husband beats her all the time and recently stripped her naked in front of their kids and neighbours. This, she says, is what broke the camel's back.

Erdoo Apollos Davis shared her story on Facebook, writing:

Yes I think this is just the right time to say this...I have been married for the past eight now getting to nine years to a very abusive man,I have tried all I could to make my marriage work but it kept getting worse by the day...he beats me in the presence of his mother,brother my sisters and the last that broke the Carmel's back was to beat me and strip me naked before my children and neighbours. I guess you are all asking what would have warranted that right? Well then let me tell you because i bought a sim card without his permission...are you all surprised...he accuses me of infidelity and does not trust me even though me married me as a virgin. Yes am saying this on this platform to let the whole world know that domestic violence is real and could happen to just any body...where the red flags not there they were,but off course who would have thought that a pastor will do such a thing...well I was naive and he took advantage of that...therefore I plead with every lady out there who is thinking do I stay or leave. My advice is this leave so you can live to tell your story. Cheers to all the strong women out there ...#iamasurvivour#

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