Amazon personal shopper

Friday 30 November 2018


After putting an end to your relationship or being broken up with, family and friends try to show support because even if your previous relationship wasn't a peaceful one, there will be certain things to miss about your partner especially when you both spent a long time together.

Most of the advice given at a time like this will be for you to take your time and wait for true love. Although there's no crime in waiting for true love but you have to be ready for the down times, emotional breakdown, depression and loneliness.

The waiting period is very hard but it is best to see it as your healing period and time of self discovery.

After i broke up with my ex, it felt really weird being single again after four years of being in a relationship but i made up my mind to wait till i found a suitable person for me and also become a better person and discover myself. Some of my friends didn't understand why i took this decision but i knew i couldn't cope being hurt again so i had be more careful in choosing another romantic partner.

My waiting period wasn't easy, I had emotional break downs, lonely days, times i felt odd among friends who had partners. But knowing i wasn't't ready to settle for less and that i deserved better was my motivation. I started to read books, attend serminars, took note of my mistakes so not to repeat it in a new relationship, got closer to God and focused on my business and family.

I'm grateful to God for giving me the strength to pull through, hearing all my prayer requests and getting support from few friends and family.

I wish everyone presently in their waiting period strength to pull through and may all your prayers be answered and tears turns into joy. May your wait be worthwhile and you'll find "THE ONE" soon.

Feel free to drop your waiting experience below.

Thank you

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