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Friday 8 July 2016

Making God the foundation of your relationship/marriage

                                                 Image result for Making God the foundation of your relationship/marriage
I know some people will disagree with me on this one,because most people I have met do not deem it necessary to get God involved in their love life. I'll like to make you see reasons why you need to make God the foundation of your love life.

  • Finding the right person
You are single and you met this really nice Lady/guy,you begin to observe their characters in order for you to approach,but how will you know if this person is the right person for you. Most times,a person may seem right but may not be right for you. The best thing to do is to get God involved in this situation, pray about it,let God lead you right.

  • Regular arguments and fights
Your partner suddenly developed some strange attitudes/characters, you approach them about it but still no improvement,with this,this leads to you being unhappy with your partner,then fights may come up. Fighting,screaming, daily arguments with your partner cannot change things,it only leads to more fights. The best thing to do is to let God take control,God created your partner,he is best for the job.

  • Financial issues
Your partner doesn't have a job,and is having financial issues and you are not capable enough to assist. People will always promise and fail,but one person who can help in this situation is "GOD"(as long has you have faith).
  When you make God the foundation of your relationship/married life,trust me,its gonna be awesome. Because he will lead you both on the right path and wont lead you astray,when storms come upon your love life,you will still be strong,why? Because God is always there for you.
Ladies always pray for your man,wife's always pray for your husbands, single ladies pray for that special man coming your way soon and guys should please do the same. Pray together has a couple if you have the chance because"A couple that prays together stays together".

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