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Saturday 28 May 2016

6 Tips for Men to Keep Their Women Happy

Saw this today on a BBM Channel which really moved my heart, I just could not resist sharing here


Although your lady may welcome advice on how to solve her problems, what makes her really happy is when you take time to empathize with her feelings before attempting to fix the situation. To do this, really listen to her as she vents about her hard day or relationship issues with friends. Do not form solutions in your head while she is talking. Just listen and make short empathetic statements like, "That's awful" or "I understand" to let her know that you understand. Don't switch to fix-it mode until she is done talking.


Women appreciate small tokens of your affection. It doesn't have to be a big gift to make her happy. Flowers for no reason, chocolates just because or a download of her favorite band's newest release, only because you knew she'd love it, will all score you big points with the woman in your life.
Women thrive on affirming words. Float her genuine compliments on a daily basis and your woman will be grinning from ear to ear. Focus your compliments mostly on her internal qualities like intelligence, humor, kindness and optimism. While a woman does want to hear that she's beautiful, she also likes it when you go a bit deeper.


Take her car to get it's scheduled maintenance to save her the trouble. Cook her favorite meal after work if she tells you it's been a hard day. Mow her lawn if you know she's been avoiding it. Thoughtful acts of service like these let a woman know you are thinking of her and want to make her happy.


Women love to have their feet massaged, their backs rubbed and their necks caressed. Now here's the tricky part. Men tend to get aroused by intimate physical touch and want to get right down to it. However, women get really happy when their men pamper them physically without asking for sex.


Women are extremely bonding by nature. This means that if you take time to get to know her inner circle of family and friends, you will make her heart sing. You don't have to be everybody's best friend. Just make an effort to understand why your woman loves each of her intimates so dearly
source;dating tips

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