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Monday 28 January 2019

Signs to Tell if You’re With the Wrong Guy

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If you have ever wondered if you’re with the wrong guy, then this article is for you. In order to be able to answer that question for yourself, you should learn about the common signs that indicate you should end the relationship.

When you first start to date someone new, there is always a mix of excitement and nerves. As much as you may like them, you’re probably wondering if it’s the right move. You end up hoping that they’ll be “the one,” but it’s usually too soon to tell. While all of these feelings are completely normal, it’s important that you take a step back to evaluate the relationship. A smile may creep onto your face the second you see him, but if you move too fast with him, you won’t know if the smile is genuine or puppy love.

When a new relationship starts, it can feel like a whirlwind of feelings and emotions. The only way to get through that time is by following your heart and your instincts. Don’t let any past relationship experiences taint the beginning of your new love! Listen to the voice inside of you that always guides you in the right direction.

If you’re having trouble getting clarity around your new relationship and whether this guy is right for you, it could help to ask yourself certain questions. If you open up and are fully honest with yourself, you will know in a heartbeat whether you’re with the right guy or you made a mistake. Your heart, gut instincts and logic can all help you answer these questions correctly. Take some time out of your day if you’re questioning your relationship to look at these questions. Don’t be afraid to answer the questions honestly- even if you don’t like the answers. Even if you love your boyfriend deeply, you need to know the truth. Here are the questions you should ask:

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Does he treat me as a special person in his life?If your current boyfriend makes you feel special, then it’s a good sign. However, if you doubt his intentions then you need to ask him about them. Someone who treats you as a special person would go out of their way to spend time with you, take you on nice dates, introduce you to his friends and family and be proud to be seen with you. However, if you feel more like his friend than his girlfriend, then he might not be as in love with you as you are with him. If he ignores you when you’re out in groups and prioritizes other things in his life over you, then you shouldn’t be in a relationship with him.

Were his past relationships long? If he has dated many women and the relationships were short-lived, it may be a sign that he’s a player and shouldn’t be trusted. If his reputation as a heartbreaker precedes him, then it’s best to stay far away. However, if you believe that his feelings for you are genuine, don’t forget to study his past. History always repeats itself.
Could I see myself having kids with him? You don’t need to answer this question as though you’re going to have children tomorrow, but if you want kids, this is an important question. If you can’t picture him as a father, then he clearly doesn’t fit into your future plans. It’s crucial to be honest when answering this question. 

Many women end up having children with men that they loved, but didn’t turn out to be great fathers. Your children’s futures are important, too! If your gut is telling you that he isn’t cut out for fatherhood, then listen to it. It can be painful to break up with someone over a future decision, but it’s crucial to your happiness.
Do I want to grow old with him? Think back on all of the time that you have spent with your man. What was it like? Could you picture yourself spending the rest of your life with him? To answer this question honestly, you also need to evaluate whether you both handle ups and downs in the relationship well and whether he will be able to make you happy. If you answer “no” to these questions, then he isn’t “the one.”

Do I want to change him? While it’s completely normal to have some things about your boyfriend that you don’t like, are you determined to change them? If so, then it’s likely an indication that you aren’t suited for each other in the long term. On the other side, if you can handle these things, then you can make the relationship work. Honesty and vulnerability is the only way to answer this question accurately.

Does he include me in his plans? If your boyfriend is only interested in being intimate with you and nothing else, then he may be the wrong guy for you. When looking for a life partner, they need to want you around with their families, friends and even out in public on dates. If all you two do is spend time in bed, that’s a clear sign that you need to break up with him because he isn’t serious about you.

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Do you feel like you can show him the real you?

Do you feel the need to complain about him behind his back?

Do you admire your boyfriend?

Do you feel happy when you’re with him?

Does he drain your energy? Note: A life partner should be someone you make you feel safe, calm and joyous- not guilty, nervous or exhausted.

Do you want him to be perfect? Note: If your relationship is rocky and you are sick of the ups and downs, remember that he won’t change.

Are you attracted to him or do you just pretend to be sexually satisfied?

Can you talk to him about anything or are there topics that you need to avoid? Note: If there’s anything that you’re afraid to talk to your partner about, that’s a bad sign.

Have you met his friends and family? Note: This will tell you whether or not he’s serious about you.

Is he overbearing or do you have enough freedom?

Can you picture being with him for the rest of your life?

Do you have to change who you are so he will accept you? Note: If he makes you change your personality, hobbies or friendships, then that’s a sign of a toxic relationship. End it immediately.

Does he make you feel like a woman?

Are you able to speak with him after he has hurt your feelings?

Does he support your goals and ambitions?

It’s impossible to know what the future holds, but these questions can help you understand whether your boyfriend should or shouldn’t be a part of your future. Be honest with your true self when answering these questions. You’ll thank yourself later.

Source: Dynamic wife

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