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Monday 17 December 2018

For Men Only!!! Four Things You Should Never Do In A Relationship

Does she cheat on you or does it feel like she’s cheating on you? There is a probability that you did one or more of these things I’m about to tell you.

There are certain things that can a woman do crazy things. Sometimes these are the things you do ignorantly not minding how it affects your partner. It might feel normal to you but to her it isn’t and most likely irritates her.

These are things you need to observe and deal with before it becomes too late. Most women are usually not happy having to cheat, she wants to be honest and faithful but sometimes your actions force her to do unspeakable things.
You don’t pay attention to her

She might be a cheat because you are really not giving her the attention she deserves. A woman always values her man’s attention more than anything. They love to be the center of attention and want everything to revolve around them. As her man, you are supposed to be there for her and provide her with all the attention she requires. No level of attention you give to your woman is too much.

Find out about her day, what she ate, who’s provoking her at work, what’s making her unhappy. Learn to listen to her and spend time with her, dedicate a particular time every day to perform an activity with her like watching a movie, listening to her talk about her day, giving her a massage if she seems stressed or tense. Not only will she love you more, she will also remove any thought of seeking the attention from another man.
You Don’t Trust Her

Your woman needs you to trust her and there is usually friction when you can’t bring yourself to do that. Study shows that most women actually engage in immoral acts when they feel their man doesn’t trust them to begin with. This makes them feel like they particularly do not have to meet any standards with you. You already think she’s a cheat, so she’ll just go with the flow, She no longer owes you an explanation or needs to defend the trust between both of you.

When there is trust in a relationship, she’ll not only tell you the number of men that approached her and her answers to them, she will also seek your advice on how to conquer the temptation.

She no longer needs to hide anything from you and will also try to maintain that level of trust you’ve built.
Unable to Satisfy Her in Bed

This is very crucial guys and one of the major reasons why women cheat in a relationship.

Your duty as a man is to satisfy her sexual desires, even though you’re not in the mood or going through stress as work, try to make sure that your woman stays satisfied if you don’t wish to lose her to another man who can meet her needs and satisfy her sexual urges. With this you will find that she stays happy and loyal to you.

Proper sexual satisfaction in a relationship will always make your woman loyal to you.
Being Unfriendly To Her

She needs you to be caring and warm to her, rather than an asshole who treats her like trash or ignores her existence.

If you find it hard to play with your woman, joke with her, go to events with her, as well as share your feelings with her then your relationship is heading to its grave.

How many times have you played with her, sat down with her to tease and tickle her? No! She’s not your sex doll, you shouldn’t show her affection when you only want to smash or you’re in the mood

Sooner or later, someone who appears to be caring will rear his ugly head into your relationship and all she’ll be able to think about is why she’s not into a relationship with him and why she’s with a douche like you. Soon enough she’ll decide to either double date or leave you for him. Learn to make her laugh, this is the first step to keeping her happy and content.

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