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Tuesday 21 February 2017

Topic of Discussion For Today: This ‘Funny’ Post That Went Viral.


They may be funny, deep or sweet- but there will always be something deeper about our discussions.

This young man put up a post about how his ex wanted to humiliate him by saying he was bad in bed.

Her friends disagreed.

It’s a funny post but of course there’s an underlying issue.

Why do women feel the need to go after a man that they know is for someone else?

More importantly, why would a woman go after a man that is her friends man?

Is it that with the 6 billion population of the world, there is no other guy?

Or is it that there is ‘love in sharing’?

In any case, I want to hear what you guys think. Why do you think women do this?

Do you think women do this at all? Has this ever happened to you or have you done it to someone else?

This is not a platform to judge or be self-righteous. Nobody is perfect. But in a case such as this, could there be a deeper explanation for how it happens?
Source: Kamdora

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