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Thursday 19 January 2017

Join the Happy and Healthy people today, check out this life changing products......

Vigo Capsule

Vigo Capsule --- S* xual Weakness (Quick Action)

Vigo Capsule is a 100% herbal product based on a secret formula from China. The pure natural formula will improve s* xual potency, enhance one's energy and endurance level.

Function & Indications:

To reinforce the vital energy, strengthen s* xual function. Use for S*.xual weakness, impotence, pr*mature ejaculation and those who just wish to improve their s* xual performance.

Precautions: For adult males only. Prohibited from people with severe Hyp*rtension & Heart dis*ases

Administration and dosage:

Take it orally with water. Two cap.sules each time, two hours before s*x.

Contact: Femi

08161144526 to get this wonderful product.

Greenlife Tea

Health benefits of Greenlife Tea

Chinese Greenlife Royal tea is earliest type of tea in history and also the most popular tea type in China. It's often praised for its amazing green tea health benefits. It is true, drinking Chinese green tea regularly improves skin and protects your body from cell damaging free radicals. This secret of longevity was discovered centuries ago by Chinese villagers who drink a few cups of green tea every day.

Greenlife tea can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, dental cavities, kidney stones, and cancer, while improving bone density and cognitive function.

Greenlife Chinese royal Tea is well known for the following functions,

1. Remedy for weight management; it slims you down through a much healthier way .

2. It prevents obesity.

3. It prevents and treats diabetes; it reduces sugar level.

4. It removes oil; anti-oil after your meals.

5. It is warm protection for your stomach.

6. It is a refreshing, re-energizing and rejuvenating daily healthier drink.

7. It is anti-diarrhea.

8. It is anti-aging.

9. It is anti-cancer.

10. It is anti-lipids.

11. It prevents and regulates erratic blood pressure.

12. It is a holistic internal detoxifier, purifier and cleanser.

13.It cleanses the intestinal tracts.

14. It rapidly clears nagging soars throats.

15. It clears toxin and heat in liver, heart, and stomach channels with congestion due to phlegm-heat.

16. It amazingly enhances your optimal sexual performance.

Contact: Femi

08161144526 to get this wonderful product.

Women Formula II

Women Formula II is an excellent tonic for women with menstrual disorders or fertility issues. It is also an ideal tonic to regularly supplement the blood and invigorating the body, face glowing with health, regulating menstration and nourishing the face, keeps one younger.


Tonifies blood and QI, warms the uterus, nurtures yin, resolves stagnation of liver qi and blood. Use for menstr'al disorders due to deficiency or cold, including amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, or infe*rtility. Beneficial in post-partum fatigue. Effective for menstr'al cramps and pre-menstrual syndrome due to blood deficiency, stagnation and congestion of liver qi. Also used for habitual dry cough or dry skin.


Menstr'al disorders or fe*rtility issues. It treats irregular menses* due to blood deficiency, light menses*, amenorrhea, postpartum fatigue, and infe*rtility. It can also treat other blood deficiency symptoms like dizziness, dry skin & hair, fatigue, postural dizziness, pale complexion and tongue, poor memory.

Shade Kit 

Shade Kit Capsule---Weight Losing

Shade Kit is a highly concentrated natural herbal product for weight losing. The bio-active ingredients rich in Shade are extracted from selected fine natural herbs and manufactured with advanced scientific technology. It helps to reduce the weight in healthy way through regulating metabolic system in the body and improving body conditions such as imbalance of nutrition caused by imbalance of endocrine system. It also controls and regulates diseases associated with overweight or obesity, such as hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol, and fatty liver etc. Shade quickly activates the lipase, speeds up the break-down of the fat tissues, balances the metabolism of people with obesity, regulates blood-fats, and prevents overweight, so as to maintain a slim and healthy body.

Function & Indications: Slimming, weight-losing, obesity.

Administration and dosage:

For Oral use only. Two capsules each time, one time in the morning, 1-3 hours before doing sports exercise; another time in the afternoon, 1-3 hours before doing sport exercise. Sport exercise should be around 5.00 pm to 6.00 pm in the evening. Two times of gentle sports exercise should be lasting for 30 minutes. Massaging your feet on the food mass mat (see page 59). 5-10kgs of weight can be reduced within one month normally. Those who suffer from hypertension, diabetes, heart disease or stroke should not reduce weight too fast, or consult your own doctor before taking Shade Kit.

Precautions: Pregnant women, patients with severe hypertension, heart disease, and anemia are not advised to use this product. While taking this product, it is recommended that you should drink more water, take low caloric diet and increase physical exercise if you do little usually. Don’t take it after 4.00 pm

Specification: 400mg by 60 Capsule per bottle.

Storage: keep in cool and dry place

Chinese Angel Tea

Chinese Angel Tea---Healthier Drink with Multiple Actions

* Cleansing the intestinal tract

* Anti Lipids

* Removing oil or Anti oil after meals

* Warm protection for your stomach

* Sliming down through a much healthier way

* Daily drink anti-diarrhea

* Detoxin, Anti-aging and Anti-cancer

* Reducing sugar level.

Usage: Open the package and put the tea into a cup or pot, add about 200 to 500 ml hot boiled water and wait for 2-3 minutes. Drink tea water but don’t take the tea leaves.

Dosage: One sachet per day. Drink repeatedly by adding more water at intervals.

Package: 5g per sachet by 15 sachets.

To get any of these life changing products contact:

Femi: 08161144526

Trust it works like magic,don't miss this opportunity to change your life for good.

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