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Wednesday 7 December 2016

How to look sexy

This is a combination of many things. Sexy comes from within and honestly a lot of women will never be sexy for the simple reason that they don’t believe it. Ever wonder why some women can wear pyjamas and rough hair and have guys drooling whereas some can wear the most revealing dress on the planet and will only succeed in looking like ‘meat’.
Sexy is a way of life. It is good grooming, confidence, being comfortable in your own skin and being graceful. It is walking with a sway in your hips, looking appropriate for every occasion and being able to bring something intellectual to the table.
In order to be sexy, here are a few things you should know:
Always maintain eye contact when making conversation
You should look good in clothes
You should smile more often
You should know how to talk to a man (especially one you like)
You should (if you are sexually active) know how to turn your man on
You should be extremely Confident in yourself and your body
A woman who appears on the outside that she is happy, put together and confident usually has that ‘sexy glow’. Studies show that confident women get a lot more male attention than ‘pretty but insecure’ ones.
Own yourself and everybody else will want to own you.

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