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Thursday 15 December 2016

Don’t Let Your Ego Get In The Way!

When your soul connects with the soul of another don’t let your ego, pride or social conditioning get in the way of what would truly make you happy!
The most beautiful feeling we can experience in our lifetime is when our soul meets another soul and we connect on a level that makes your entire being feel alive!
Unfortunately, we live in a world today where so many people would rather fall in love with an idea of what love is or what someone should look like or their social status…rather than allowing our soul to find its soul mate and allowing the universe to do it’s work!
Letting your ego get in the way of what would make your soul happy is the easiest way to wake up one day feeling hollow and disconnected from your inner most self!
The path to happiness and joy is different for all of us but one thing I know is that the path to unhappiness and feeling a deep sense of misery that words can’t explain comes from not following your heart and allowing your soul to connect with the one you love!
You may get everything you want and look good in the eyes of others but only you know deep down inside if you’ve followed your heart and allowed your soul to connect with the one it feels for the most!
Don’t be foolish…your ego and your pride and what you think you should fall in love with is all make believe…what’s real is who you connect with and you most probably already know that answer – you just have to be brave enough to move in that direction and let your soul guide you from there!

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