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Saturday 5 November 2016

Reasons why people cheat in relationship

I had always judged wrongly about those who cheat on their spouse,especially when their partner is such a wonderful and loving person.But later on,i got to realize that most times,it wasn't something they wanted to happen or they don't do it to hurt their significant other,although some people see cheating as nothing bad.
   Here are reasons i have realized causing people cheat in relationships

  • Distance

Yes,you haven't seen your bf/gf for a log time,all you guy do is chat,video-call and text each-other and then you meet this wonderful new person giving you s much attention and you seem often,this new person has all the qualities you love. unknowing to you,you begin to nurse feelings for this new person and then your stuck between doing the right/wrong thing.

  • A friend from the past
You had a huge crush on a guy/girl back in school or at work,you nursed this feeling in you for a long while till you moved away and didn't see that person again.And then ,surprisingly you see this person again and you begin to talk and become friends. And you feel this is an opportunity to have a love connection with this person [believing faith brought you guys together again]

  • People do it,so!!!
Hmmm,all your friends have gf/bf and assistant gf/bf,side chick,concubine,sugar daddy/mummy and[you feel what's there,at least my friends are doing this smoothly with no issues].....Hmmm,remember that what might go well for someone,can go totally wrong for you.

     So guys,if you have that wonderful gf/wife that other guys are wishing to have or you have that bf/hubby that girls are trying all their best to have,please please,don't lose that person by showing you can be smart by cheating and get away with it. I pray you don't end up losing your soul-mate for silly games. if you are having feelings for someelse,open up about it. Talk to your significant other about this or a close friend or even God to teach what to do.
 I had a friend who thought she was smart,she had a wonderful love life-with this guy,but she lost him while having an affair with someone else,now she regrets everything she did and wishes she has a time machine.

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