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Tuesday 15 November 2016

Any guy without money shouldn't fall in love - Ghanaian Pastor, Mensa Otabil preaches

Husbands must not just use words to express their love for their wives, but demonstrate that by honouring them with their money, Pastor Mensa Otabil has advised, adding that wives can do same for their husbands.
Teaching his congregation about giving in the church, he said: “Love gives, love shares. Now everybody who is married here understands it, especially the men; you can’t just go around telling your wife: ‘Sweetheart, my sugar, my honey’, giving her all those words and not show it.
Pretty soon your wife is going to say: ‘Where is the love?’ These days because women, too, can do what men do, you also don’t tell your man: ‘I love you, you know I love you.’ Show it! ..
When you say you love somebody, men if you tell a lady, ‘you know I love you sweetheart, you know I love you babe,’ or whatever you call them these days, ‘I love you’, where is the money? Love must be followed by giving. Don’t just do mouth mouth. You must show it."
Do you agree with him or disagree?.

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