Amazon personal shopper

Wednesday 26 October 2016

Question for today(Please read this carefully )

Pls Read:
A man  before  leaving  for  work, left  a  letter on the  dining  table  for  his wife. Chores around  the house kept the woman from  seeing the  letter until about 12 noon. When she  finally  chanced on  the letter  she was  so  excited to  see  that her husband had taken time to write  her a letter.  She kissed the  paper when she saw  “my beautiful  wife”  at the  top,  hugged  it when  she  saw  “I  love you with all my heart”  at the bottom, and  sniffed  it  when she  realized it smelled of her husband’s  perfume.  

Out of excitement,  and without  even  bothering to read the  content  of  the letter, she made up  her  mind to cook him  his favorite  meal for dinner that night. She quickly  rushed  to  the  kitchen and got  to  work. After  cooking and setting the  table, she  went to the wash room  and  took  a shower, put  on  her most attractive  night gown  and  dressed  the bed.

Just  as  she was  about to  finish laying  the bed her  husband walked into the house. When  she heard him come  in she  went  out to  welcome  him. To her surprise, her husband was  very  furious when  he  saw her. She became very confused and  asked  why he  wouldn’t  even let  her welcome  him  with  a hug but  instead have that  angry look  on his  face.

The husband  asked,  “Did you read the  letter  I  left  you on  the table?”
The  woman responded, “Oh yes I saw  it.  That’s  why I  went through  all  the trouble to  prepare  your favorite  meal  for you. Thank  you  so  much honey, it  was  sweet  of  you.”
She  leaned  in to give  him a  kiss  but  he  pushed  her away to her  surprise.

The husband  went  on,  “If you did,  then  why haven’t  you done any  of the things  I instructed you to  do?”
The man went  inside and  came  out  again quickly  with an already  packed suit  case. He headed  straight for the door and said  to his wife, “See  you in  7  days.”

The  woman stood there confused  but before she could utter a word, the  door had slammed behind him.

She  went  back  to the dining  table to  take a  second look  at  the letter.

It  read……
My  beautiful wife, My company  has  asked 4 colleges and  myself to  go  on a seven  day trip  to  Dubai for a training  program. They said  that  we  can  bring along  our  wives and I  thought this will be the best  opportunity  for us to  have the honeymoon we  never  did  after we  got married.
I have already packed a  suit  case  for myself,  so please pack yours. Our flight leaves  at  exactly  7 pm so  I will be home at  6 o’clock  for us  to  go to the  airport.  No need  to cook dinner  since there will  be  food on the plane. Just  be prepare  to  go  as soon as I get  back. Please be ready before I get back so we don't miss the flight. I Love you with  all  my  heart.

If you were this woman, what will you do ?

Let me be the first to comment, hmmm..if this happened to me I'll feel really bad and try and apologise to my husband and I'll book a flight to meet up with him in Dubai.... (Is my answer resonsable enough??)
Let me see your comment guys....

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