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Tuesday 25 October 2016

How Long Should You Wait to Have Sex In A New Relationship?

Some people will prefer to wait till their wedding night before having sex,believing that's right spiritually or just their decision but this post is for those who are ready to get intimate before and even after their wedding night.

Having sex with a new partner is a considerable dating milestone and there are few moments as significant in terms of excitement and intrigue. For some people, hopping in the sack on the first date is common practice while others opt to wait for weeks, months or even until marriage.
Research suggests that while the first kiss usually takes place by the second date, we wait an average of four to six dates before having sex and 14 before saying, "I love you."
However, since sex means different things to different people, these averages don’t necessarily help individual daters to determine when the time is right. While some experts will caution daters against having sex too soon and others suggest that you wait as long as you possibly can, I’m of a different philosophy.
However, answering one simple question may help to steer you in the right direction: Do you want to have sex with this person? If the answer is yes and you feel emotionally and practically prepared, I would be less concerned with how many dates you’ve been on and more focused on getting my hands on some good quality condoms, lube and clean bed sheets.
Remember: you are the only expert that matters. The rest of us are just here to offer resources and support.
 Here are a few perspectives from active daters that might help you to determine what approach works best for you:
I have sex right away!: “If I’m attracted to him, I don’t wait more than a few dates. You might think I should wait longer, but sex is important to me, so I don’t want to hold out only to find out that we’re not compatible. I’m a busy woman!” Trina, 37

I wait until I know I’m the only one: “Call me old fashioned, but I’m not in this for the hook-up. I casually ask if she’s dating anyone else before I even consider sleeping with her. Sometimes this happens on the third date and other times, I’ve waited until at least ten dates. In my experience, they’re willing to wait.” Chris, 25

It depends…: “I hate rules. They’re made to be broken. I’ve had sex on the first date and I’ve dated for months without even coming close and I don’t think either approach has really impacted my relationships.” Greig, 29

Lucky Number 7: “I guess I’m not really an active dater anymore since we moved in together last month, but I made lots of mistakes in past relationships including having sex too early. I just wasn’t ready and it complicated things. This time I waited seven dates and it seems to be working out!” Sharleen, 32

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