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Saturday 29 October 2016

5 things you need to know before making an older lady your Wife

She might be only two years older or ten. It doesn’t matter. Dating an older woman comes with it’s own perks and it’s a whole new bag of tricks you’re going to have to contend with.
This is a good thing – but there are a couple of things you should pay attention to if you want to lock down the good deal that is your older woman and make an honest woman out of her (relatively speaking).
This is a good thing – but there are a couple of things you should pay attention to if you want to lock down the good deal that is your older woman and make an honest woman out of her (relatively speaking).
Whisper sweet somethings in her ear
If you’ve ever dated or even been in a no-strings-attached relationship with an older woman, you’ll know that she’s smart, sophisticated, and she can hold her own in a conversation – and then some. Whereas younger women may be more up-to-date with current trends or the latest movie or other somewhat frivolous goings-on, an older woman is far more intellectually advanced.
If this sort of woman turns you on, keep reading. Quite literally.
You’re going to have to keep up with current events and politics, and whisper more than sweet nothings in her ear. She’s smart, worldly-wise and sophisticated. And the truth is, if she sees you as a boy toy, she’s never going to get serious with you.
So become her intellectual equal and she’ll be eating out of your hand.
She doesn’t need you – she wants you
A financially independent woman by your side is a huge turn on for many guys, not just men who love to date older women. It’s incredibly attractive and gratifying to know that, should anything ever happen, she can hold her own.
The whole “damsel in distress” thing is so not her scene. Though she can be incredibly soft and feminine, chances are your older woman has been through at least one major relationship (or even a divorce) where money was involved. And it taught her enough to know she has to keep a tight handle on hers.
Now, she may love being submissive in the bedroom as a result of this but, hey, you’re not complaining, are you?
She takes care of her physical body and she expects you to as well
Besides meeting her online, do you know the next most popular place to meet older women? A gym or a health foods store. The next time you enter your local gym or a fitness outlet, look around: you’ll see some of the fittest, most attractive women there.
There’s no need to jack up and pump iron STAT. If you want to show her your serious, you’ll need to spend time simply taking care of yourself. What it comes down to for an older woman, especially if you want to get into a serious relationship with her, is if she can see a long-term future with you. And that relates to shared values.
If maintaining personal physical fitness is a priority for her, you should plan to make it one for yourself as well. And the added perk? You can get a discount on a fitness class membership or take as many couples yoga sessions asyou want
Look, an older woman has previous priorities and these include but are not limited to: her friends, her rewarding career, her kids, if she has any, fitness classes, book clubs, salsa lessons and other social engagements.
She had a whole life before you came along and she’ll keep on having it even if you’re in a relationship with her. Don’t expect your woman to sit at home and wait for you.
To be the main man in her life, you have to have a life outside her and outside the relationship. This is actually healthy for both of you and, when you think about it, you could use the breathing room, couldn’t you?
The point is that your relationship will be stronger when you each have time apart as well as together.
Make what’s important to her, important to you
At the end of the day, your older woman is just as excited by the thought of you being attracted to her as you are about her. For all the perks of being with an older woman, you can bet she feels just as sexy and desirable because you’re in her life.
But if you want to make your relationship with her a sure thing, you’ve got to get beyond just desire. Pay attention to what she likes because it’s all in the little things.
If you notice she loves an organized room, make sure to keep it clean for her.
If you see her kids are her world, interact with them, on their level and keep them safe. There’s nothing sexier than a man who is great with kids.
But for your woman, to see a man who’s not her kids’ father step up to the plate and bond with them?

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