Amazon personal shopper

Tuesday 6 September 2016

photo of the day

You deserve THIS relationship ❤️
#truelove #love
Here’s what I’ve learned (so far). And what I now tell every woman who wants a real relationship too.
1. Grow during dark times.
You’re not the same person you were yesterday, let alone six months ago. You know you’ll change (and that’s all groovy), but you also know that you’ll grow together. Yet, the real test of a relationship is how you grow in dark times. Times that have you thinking it’s definitely over. Do you grow together, or do you grow apart?
2. Figure out how you fight.
Do you stonewall, get defensive, and throw personal jabs to cause pain? Or, do you say how you feel, listen to your partner’s feelings, and communicate what it is you really need? In other words, do you fight to hurt, or do you fight to grow?
3. Talk about money.
As uncomfortable as talking about money can be, discussing finances and learning how each of you views money is super important. Discuss your goals, dreams, and priorities and be open to having weekly or monthly meetings to see how things are lining up.
4. Communicate from your soul.
As a relationship continues, and you get more into the everyday type of stuff, you lose that soul-digging momentum you once had in the beginning where you want to pick each other’s brains and hearts. Bring some of that soul communication back on a daily basis, you’ll be amazed at what transforms. Try it!

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