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Friday 27 May 2016

Honesty is truly the key to an healthy relationship

To form a healthy relationship with someone and become emotionally intimate, you need to share experiences and secrets with your partner that you don’t share with anyone else. That kind of intense, intimate, highly private interchange requires both parties to be honest with one another. Honesty involves giving accurate information about events that are known or have already occurred.
Honesty is telling the truth as you know it about factual events that have already occurred. Honest partners in a healthy relationship do not knowingly give misinformation. However, being honest doesn't mean being rude, unkind, or aggressive. It doesn't mean sharing things to hurt your partner or “spilling your guts.” Discretion — using good judgment about what to reveal and what not to reveal — is important in any healthy relationship.

So it’s usually best not to attack your boyfriend’s new clothing or make remarks about another woman’s “hotness.” It isn’t necessary to share these feelings, and doing so may hurt your partner.

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